This project seeks to increase the accessibility and usability of information needed for understanding the effects of Hurricane Sandy and improving preparedness and response for future extreme storm events. To do this, we will leverage and extend existing cyberinfrastructure tools supported by the US Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) to allow technical users and application developers to connect programmatically to a myriad of existing data providers. This work will create interfaces that adapt existing resources into standardized web services that can be searched, accessed and used across the domain. It will also generate a catalog of functional open web-service end-points providing access to meteorological and oceanographic data from agency and agency-funded providers such as NOAA’s Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS), the National Weather Service National Hurricane Center (NHC), the US Geological Survey (USGS), the Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing System (NERACOOS), and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS). Finally, it will demonstrate the utility of the cyberinfrastructure by delivering an integrated inundation portal that uses the cyberinfrastructure to efficiently and effectively deliver information to key stakeholders including NWS forecasters and emergency managers.

The demonstration portal will be publicly available and show time-enabled historical data from past storms such as Hurricane Sandy as well as a host of realtime and near real-time models and data to inform future events.

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